
Electron microscopy of the virus of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia of rainbow trout (Egtved virus).

Zwillenberg, L. O., Jensen, M. H. and Zwillenberg, H. H. L.
Archiv. f. Virusforschung
The virus isolated in RTG-2 cells from several independent outbreaks of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia of rainbow trout (Egtved disease) was shown to be morphologically very similar to vesicular stomatitis virus. A dense particle core inside a ribbed sheath and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies consisting of helices of the same diameter as the particle core, i.e. about 20 µm, are described. Vesicular stomatitus virus, cocal virus, sigma virus, the presently described virus and most probably rabies virus are regarded as a morphological group.
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