
IHN not present in Spain.

Jiminez de la Fuente, J. and González Montejano, A.
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol.
In EAFP Bulletin 14(2) a manuscript was published entitled "A case of co-infection of IPN and IHN virus in farmed rainbow trout in Spain".
In regard to that manuscript the Spanish National Reference Laboratory for fish diseases wishes to make public the following statement:
1. The technical staff of the Spanish National Reference Laboratory for fish diseases have carried out surveys for the presence of VHS and IHN during 1992, 1993 and 1994 and have never detected the presence of IHN.
2. The authors of the report in EAFP Bulletin 14(2) have no connection with the Animal Health Service of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fish and Food.
3. Although IHN is a notifiable disease which must be immediately notified to the official services in Spain, the authors of the above report did not report the details and origin of the outbreak.
4. The authors have now sent their isolates to the Spanish National Reference Laboratory for confirmation. This Laboratory has not been able to detect the presence of IHN virus. Two other laboratories, one Spanish, the other French agree these results, presence of IPN no presence of IHN. Neutral-ising antibodies against IHN virus have never been detected in serological surveys in Spain to this date.
5. In conclusion: Spain has never had reason to formally declare the presence of IHN in the country. This situation has not changed.
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