RV Cefas Endeavour

RV Cefas Endeavour is a multi-disciplinary research vessel fitted with specialist survey equipment for a range of activities.  

RV Cefas Endeavour offers the very latest scientific and technological capability, with hull/blade mounted sensors, onboard autonomous systems and deck containers sockets. The vessel has the ability to deploy and recover a range of scientific instrumentation including fishing nets/trawls, environmental, geotechnical and geophysical sampling equipment and autonomous monitoring equipment.

The scientific equipment on RV Cefas Endeavour is regularly assessed, maintained, and upgraded to a high standard, and our underwater radiated noise profile is compliant with ICES 209 standards. Further information on the RV Cefas Endeavour can be found on the vessel specification sheet.

Since entering service in 2003, RV Cefas Endeavour has helped to deliver data and evidence to public and private sector customers in support of statutory and ministerial signatory obligations, marine protected area designation, fish stock assessments and offshore wind farm developments.

Cefas can deliver the above services with our own scientists and technicians, or RV Cefas Endeavour is also available for third-party charter with the ship’s full crew, where charterers can undertake their own research with their own staff. In recent years, governments of the Netherlands, Norway and Germany have utilised RV Cefas Endeavour in support of their fish stock assessments and environmental sampling programmes. 

Please contact our RV team now to discuss RV Cefas Endeavour's availability and suitability for your requirements.

A blue ship in the docks Two people looking at a map

Inside the RV Cefas Endeavour