Unchatted Waters

Setting sail on a voyage of discovery across Unchatted Waters…

Welcome to Cefas' podcast series, Unchatted Waters. Join our host, Kirsty Bradley, Fisheries Scientist and Science Communicator, as she talks to the people behind the science. The Unchatted Waters podcast aims to share some of the big science themes that affect us all, including marine biodiversity, food security, ecosystems, aquatic animal and human health. We talk about innovation, big topics, personal stories as well as fun facts. By breaking down the complexity of the topics, we hope to inspire and engage our listeners. All you need is to be curious about science! Find the first 6 episodes below or on your usual podcast provider, and keep a look out for more episodes, including episodes covering climate change, water quality and marine protected areas. If you need a transcript for any of the episodes, please contact us.

Infographic of Unchatted Waters, episode 1. Information is included in the text to the right

Episode 1

One health

Guests: Grant Stentiford, Chief Scientist and Julie Bremner, Principal Marine Ecologist.

In this episode, we will be talking about aquatic food production. So if you are hungry for a discussion on seafood, this episode is for you. We discuss catching and farming our seafood, as well as feeding global appetites both now and in the future. So, grab your knife and fork as we tuck into this delicious topic.

Infographic of Unchatted Waters, episode 2. Information is included in the text to the right

Episode 2


Guests: Elisa Capuzzo, Ecosystem Scientist and Keith Jeffery, Principal Aquaculture Scientist.

In this episode, we'll be exploring the fascinating world of farming our seafood both across time and across the globe. We will get a taste of how seaweed is becoming a versatile ingredient in this growing sector. As usual our jargon alarm will make sure we explain any technical information. We recommend this episode features on everyone's menu.

Infographic of Unchatted Waters, episode 3. Information is included in the text to the right

Episode 3


Guests: Jeroen van der Kooij, Principal Fisheries Scientist and Sam Barnett, Fisheries Scientist.

In this episode, we’ll be donning our lifejackets, putting on our wellies and exploring how we carry out scientific surveys at sea. We’ll discuss how we sample across the entire food web from the smallest phytoplankton to the largest fin whales. During our voyage we will talk about the people and technology that help us understand the ocean’s ecosystem … so welcome onboard.

Infographic of Unchatted Waters, episode 4. Information is included in the text to the right

Episode 4

Human health

Guests: Craig Baker-Austin, Senior Bacteriologist Scientist and Andy Powell, Microbiologist.

In this episode, we will be talking about the microscopic world of pathogens, bacteria and viruses, but most importantly how to keep our seafood safe to eat, considering human health now and in the future. So make sure you pop the cork on that champagne, get your oysters ready, as we peel back the shell into this fascinating topic.

Episode 5

Animal health

Guests: David Verner-Jeffreys, Senior Microbiologist Scientist and Chris Evans, Head of the Fish Health Inspectorate. 

In this episode, we talk about preventing disease outbreaks to ensure we can farm our seafood successfully. We learn about the work of our Fish Health Inspectors as they travel across England and Wales, as well as laboratory testing to uncover where diseases come from and how to stop their spread. If you love a jigsaw puzzle, then this is the episode for you.

Infographic of Unchatted Waters, episode 6. Information is included in the text to the right

Episode 6


Guests: Serena Wright, Fisheries Scientists and Jim Ellis, Fisheries Ecologist.

In this episode, we’ll serve up a twist on the British classic. We will explore what the electronic microchips used in our fish tags can tell us about where fish go, helping to give an insight into population movements and migration. So grab your salt and vinegar and let’s take a bite into this fascinating topic about fish and chips.

Infographic describing episode 7 of Unchatted Water. Information is written on the right.

Episode 7


Guests: Piyali Chowdhury, Senior Coastal Scientist and Stephen Dye, Principal Marine Climate Scientist

In this episode we explore how our ocean moves, from waves crashing on the seashore to the ocean conveyor belt moving across the globe. If you find yourself looking out at the sea and want to understand more of its secrets, join this episode… and you may just uncover a treasure trove of information, hidden in a message in a bottle.

Infographic describing episode 7 of Unchatted Water. Information is written on the right.

Episode 8

climate change

Guests: John Pinnegar, World Leading Climate Scientist and Susana Lincoln, Senior Climate Change Scientist 

In this episode we talk about one of the greatest challenges of our generation, climate change. More specifically we learn about how temperature changes impact the ocean, and how we can come together to adapt to the changes we’re seeing now, to protect our future. If you’d like to learn more and hear interesting stories on how we can tackle this challenge, then this is the episode for you.

Infographic describing episode 9 of Unchatted Water. Information is written on the right.

Episode 9

ocean sounds

Guests: Nathan Merchant, Principal Scientist and Rosalyn Putland, Senior Scientist 

In this episode, we dip our ears into the ocean and listen to the amazing soundscape beneath the waves. We discuss what we can hear underwater, from earth, animals and humans that contribute to the instruments, players and composition of a symphony. So submerge yourself in this episode as we open your ears to the magic of the ocean's orchestra, and a 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

Infographic describing episode 10 of Unchatted Water. Information is written on the right.

Episode 10

marine litter

Guests: Briony Silburn, Marine Litter Scientist and Holly Nel,  Marine Litter Scientist 

In this episode, we talk about marine litter. So, if you’re at your bathroom sink daydreaming about your day ahead, this episode talks about where that toothbrush might end up when you’ve finished using it. We talk about marine litter monitoring and how changing our behaviour and attitude can bring about positive change, making sure humans only leave footprints for future generations.