Hannah Tidbury


Dr Hannah Tidbury is a senior ecologist and epidemiologist at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) in the UK. Her focus is on the application of theoretical tools to address key evidence gaps around host-pathogen interactions, population disease dynamics and the efficacy of different management approaches, to underpin aquatic animal health policy. As lead of the marine non-native species work area she also has keen interest in the interplay between non-native species and disease emergence, and overarching principles such as biosecurity, risk assessment and monitoring. During her almost 10 years at Cefas she has gained experience and insight into numerous theoretical techniques and tools, as well as higher level policy advice and communications.

Email: Hannah.tidbury@cefas.gov.uk ‬‬

Hannah Tidbury – Google Scholar

Hannah Tidbury – Research Gate